Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Allergy: Bersin

Peh...kalau bersin-bersin semasa mengandung memang memeritkan terutama ketika kandungan dah masuk trimester ketiga...paling tak best jadi tak boleh kawal kencing, bila bersin je terkencing, aduh...ini ialah pengalaman haza sendiri..

Hidung haza sangat sensitif dengan habuk. Husband kata hidung xde bulu,hehehehe...

Tahukah anda bahawa allergy boleh dikurangkan dengan pengambilan vitamin C? Menurut ini :

"Vitamin C's natural antihistamine properties make it a classic allergy treatment. A daily dose of 4,000 mgs, or more, helps reduce the severity of sinus stuffiness and runny nose. When increasing vitamin C take 1,000 — 2,000 mgs every hour until you reach bowel tolerance, i.e. loose stools, and then cut back on the amount a little."

Terdapat juga beberapa vitamin lain yang boleh membantu menangani allergy (bersin), iaitu Vit. B complex, Calcium dan Magnesium.

Dengan itu haza mencadangkan pakej Vitamin seperti di bawah:

1. Bio C Plus (500mg/tab), 60 tablets: RM74.00

2. Natural B Complex (100 tab): RM42.00

One tablet provides 7 B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, and B12; plus inositol and PABA (para-amino-benzoic-acid), that all adult men and women need.

3. Calcium Magnesium (180 tab): RM56.00

3 tablets daily provide 600 mg of calcium and 400 mg of magnesium, plus the exclusive NUTRILITE Alfalfa Concentrate.

TOTAL: RM172.00


Untuk order, sms ke 019-9330062, nyatakan " Saya nak order pakej Allergy". Order anda akan dihantar dalam masa 24jam.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Electric Steam Steriliser (NUK)

Steam sterilizer termasuk botol susu: memastikan botol susu anak kita bersih!

  • Made in Germany
  • Effectively eliminates bacteria from baby’s bottles and teats, soothers and bottle accessories with pure water vapour (steam) without additional chemicals
  • Sterilise up to 6 standard bottles with other accessories in one use in approximately 12 minutes
  • Set comprises:

- 1 unit of NUK Electric Steam Steriliser with Bottle Tong
- 1 piece of NUK 110ml Blue PP Standard Bottle x size 1 Medium Silicone Teat
- 1 piece of NUK 240ml Blue PP Standard Bottle x size 1 Medium Silicone Teat
- 1 piece of NUK Bottle & Teat Brush set